
At NewLeaf Performance, we address a wide variety of organizational needs for enhanced performance and wellness. Whether we’re leveraging our expertise and analytical skills through a diagnostic or rolling up our sleeves to help you develop people and process solutions, we partner with you to identify a winning combination of services designed to co-create a thriving future for your organization.

Strategic planning

Organizations operate in an ever-changing environment. To continue to grow and create value, they must intentionally and regularly re-assess their strategic objectives as part of a bigger system. We work with your team to assess and help you articulate your big-picture strategy, mission, vision, values, and objectives. Strategic planning is about more than achieving objectives, however – it’s about building confidence in a collective vision for the future. We help you to find the balance between setting objectives and mobilizing enthusiasm to craft a strategic plan that will clearly generate alignment, drive expected behaviours, and measurably move your teams and the organization to their desired state of performance.

Culture reviews and diagnostics

Building a healthy organizational culture is so much more than creating a great place to work. It requires a whole-of-system approach that optimizes how the organization operates, adapts, responds to risk and makes decisions. When your current culture feels worlds away from your desired culture, a pulse check is in order. Leveraging our training in the Barrett Values Centre methodology, combined with our decades of experience, we facilitate customized culture diagnostics that illuminate employees’ desired culture and the recommended steps to get there.

I have never received such a holistic review of our workplace – and presented in a way that allows us to implement your recommendations in a logical and engaging way. You have done amazing work.

Executive – PSC

Workplace assessments

Your organization is both an economic entity and a human system, evolving in changing environments. This does make for complexity, and, over time your organization can become ever-so-slightly or very obviously, dated, out of sync, with dysfunctional impacts on operations, climate and performance.

Our LEAF Organizational Coherence Model will guide the workplace assessment to provide an objective measure of several business, administrative, and humanistic elements and their interdependencies. From this will emerge an Effort X Timeline roadmap of opportunities and actions to address shortcomings to strengthen overall organizational and team wellness and performance.

Workforce and organizational design reviews

What are the most important competencies of your workforce for sustained success? Are you building these up? How so? Is your organizational design—which might have been shaped organically over time—growing your organization’s competencies and improving retention? Or is it contributing to role confusion and inefficient processes? We bring a measured, practical and human-centered approach to workforce and organizational design reviews. Guided by our proprietary L.E.A.F. Organizational Coherence Model©, we delve into the distinct and unique drivers of your workforce capabilities and structure, and recommend pathways to continuous improvement and increased efficiency.

Going where you are.

We need to camp your expectations in a validated understanding of your world. We do this through various communications and engagement methods:

Working Sessions

Uniquely designed agenda-driven meetings to brainstorm/co-create.


Structured yet fluid individual or small group discussions.


Blend of qualitative and quantitative enquiries to depict landscapes.


Formal outreach and information sharing opportunities inclusive of question periods.

Stakeholder consultations and engagement

Meaningful stakeholder engagement is the cornerstone of evidence-based decision-making and good governance. With the success of a program, project, or strategy so often depending on continuous dialogue with stakeholders, we help you to develop strategies for transparent and participatory mapping, communications, and follow-up. This sets the stage for projects that not only reflect operational realities, but respond effectively and credibly to the reality of the outside world.

Facilitation and team-building

Bringing your people together to have the right conversations is integral to building development and cohesion. We accompany you in your commitment to build a team whose values and behaviours contribute to organizational objectives and employee well-being. We do this by designing and facilitating interventions and team-building exercises, and administering appropriate psychometric instruments.

Truthfully, I was so wowed and impressed by how good the facilitators are and how they represent their organization. I feel confident that I can apply what I learned into the real world and be more successful at work with my colleagues.

Executive – PPS

Executive team cohesion and coaching

The people at the very top of your organization must model certain behaviours for developing exemplary leadership and continuous learning. We provide one-on-one coaching to leaders in the realm of strategy, authentic conversations, change leadership, team dynamics and emotional intelligence in order to build the capacity to demonstrate empathy, embrace change and mobilize teams.

Workplace conflict management, prevention and resolution

If you and your team require a tailored intervention to sustain workplace conflict management, prevention and resolution efforts, you are invited to consult our suite of services.

Program and project evaluations

Evaluations are a valuable tool for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of programs, policies and projects. At NewLeaf, we co-design logic models and conduct input, process and outcome-based formative and summative evaluations to ensure the methodology drives findings that reflect your organizational reality.

Get your LEAF Organizational Coherence Index™.

Lead, Engage, and Act, to Fulfill (LEAF™) your performance and wellness objectives. Find out how, today.

Looking to resolve or prevent workplace conflict? Visit NewLeaf Investigation+ to learn more.